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OCR: Job Queue Interface Submit instruction to the Job Queue Parameters Jobs in queue What SEARCH.budget Next Date 08-Jan-97 13:45 PM 1/2 [] Broken? Message from the Job Queur Instructions What :: The database was not able to complete the PL/SQL instruction @ Submit a new Job SUBMIT: SEARCH.budget. This did not damage the database Se i hange ane d' his telos @ ap and you may try this instruction again after conecting the problem, More: The problem may be that the Interval field is not a valid date expression. Try 'sysdate + 1/24' which executes every hour, or something similar. SQL: DECLARE job_nbr_dut NUMBER, date_In DATE = TO_DATE ( 08-Jan-97 15:45' DD-MON-RR hh24;ml); BEGIN DEMS_JOB. SUBMIT (Job_nbr_out, SEARCH budget", date_in, 1/2% COMMIT, END, Msg: ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes OR4-06512; al"578 DANS_JOG", line 48 ORA 05512: at"SYS.DBMS_JOEr, line 115 ORA-06512: atline 1 OK PUNTY Figure 3: This dialog box attempts to translate between the machine's interpretation and the user's